Unique ID issued by UMIN | UMIN000054181 |
Receipt number | R000059899 |
Scientific Title | Effects on the Body and Emotions Due to Differences in Bathing Methods |
Date of disclosure of the study information | 2024/04/17 |
Last modified on | 2024/04/17 17:47:18 |
Effects on the Body and Emotions Due to Differences in Bathing Methods
Effects on the Body and Emotions Due to Differences in Bathing Methods
Effects on the Body and Emotions Due to Differences in Bathing Methods
Effects on the Body and Emotions Due to Differences in Bathing Methods
Japan |
Not applicable | Adult |
To investigate the effects of different bathing methods on human physiology and emotions
Brain waves
Body temperature, Heart rate, Questionnaire, Reflex Response
Open -no one is blinded
Institution is considered as adjustment factor in dynamic allocation.
Behavior,custom |
1st: 40 degree Celsius Hot Bath for 10 Minutes
2nd: 38 degree Celsius Micro Bubble Bath for 20 Minutes
3rd: 42 degree Celsius Ultra Fine Bubble Shower for 20 Minutes
1st: 40 degree Celsius Hot Bath for 10 Minutes
2nd: 42 degree Celsius Ultra Fine Bubble Shower for 20 Minutes
3rd: 38 degree Celsius Micro Bubble Bath for 20 Minutes
1st: 38 degree Celsius Micro Bubble Bath for 20 Minutes
2nd: 40 degree Celsius Hot Bath for 10 Minutes
3rd: 42 degree Celsius Ultra Fine Bubble Shower for 20 Minutes
1st: 38 degree Celsius Micro Bubble Bath for 20 Minutes
2nd: 42 degree Celsius Ultra Fine Bubble Shower for 20 Minutes
3rd: 40 degree Celsius Hot Bath for 10 Minutes
1st: 42 degree Celsius Ultra Fine Bubble Shower for 20 Minutes
2nd: 40 degree Celsius Hot Bath for 10 Minutes
3rd: 38 degree Celsius Micro Bubble Bath for 20 Minutes
1st: 42 degree Celsius Ultra Fine Bubble Shower for 20 Minutes
2nd: 38 degree Celsius Micro Bubble Bath for 20 Minutes
3rd: 40 degree Celsius Hot Bath for 10 Minutes
18 | years-old | <= |
29 | years-old | >= |
Male and Female
(1) Healthy Japanese subjects 18 years old or more and less than 29 years old who have written informed consent
(2) Individuals who have given the written informed consent
(1) Individuals with a history of cardiac or cerebral disease, hypertension, etc.
(2) Pregnant, possibly pregnant, or lactating
(3) Individuals who are judged by the principal investigator to be inappropriate for this study as subjects based on the results of the background investigation
(4) Individuals who have a chronic disease and use medicines continuously, or have a history of serious diseases (e.g., diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, thyroid gland disease, adrenal gland disease, and/or metabolic disorder)
(5) Individuals who are unable to abstain from alcohol on the day before and on the day of the test, or who are forced to consume food products containing alcohol or alcoholic beverages
(6) Individuals who regularly take medicines that can affect mental status
(7) Individuals who have a history or current condition of drug or alcohol dependence
(8) Individuals who have a history of mental illness or epilepsy
1st name | Shunsuke |
Middle name | |
Last name | Aoki |
Dentsu ScienceJam Inc.
Biomedical Information Research Group
102 TRES Akasaka, 4-2-28 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
1st name | Shunsuke |
Middle name | |
Last name | Aoki |
Dentsu ScienceJam Inc.
Biomedical Information Research Group
102 TRES Akasaka, 4-2-28 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Dentsu ScienceJam Inc.
Rinnai Company, Limited
Profit organization
Tokyo City University
Ethical Review Committee of Dentsu ScienceJam Inc.
102 TRES Akasaka, 4-2-28 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
2024 | Year | 04 | Month | 17 | Day |
2023 | Year | 05 | Month | 22 | Day |
2023 | Year | 05 | Month | 22 | Day |
2023 | Year | 10 | Month | 18 | Day |
2024 | Year | 03 | Month | 31 | Day |
2024 | Year | 04 | Month | 17 | Day |
2024 | Year | 04 | Month | 17 | Day |