Unique ID issued by UMIN | UMIN000057031 |
Receipt number | R000065089 |
Scientific Title | A study to verify the effectiveness of a dairy product in the elderly. |
Date of disclosure of the study information | 2025/02/17 |
Last modified on | 2025/03/13 16:24:34 |
A study to verify the effectiveness of a dairy product in the elderly.
A study to verify the effectiveness of a dairy product in the elderly.
A study to verify the effectiveness of a dairy product in the elderly.
A study to verify the effectiveness of a dairy product in the elderly.
Japan |
Adult male and female
Adult |
To evaluate the efficacy of a fermented milk containing lactic acid bacteria on nutritional status and weight in elderly people for 48 weeks of continuous intake, and to conduct an exploratory evaluation of indicators of health in the elderly, as well as to examine the safety of the product.
Body weight
BMI, muscle mass, appendicular skeletal muscle mass, appendicular skeletal muscle mass index, grip strength, blood markers such as nutritional indexes, dietary survey, GDS15, CNAQ-J, PSQI-J, daily life record (fever, hospitalization)
Open -no one is blinded
No treatment
Food |
Continuous intake of test food (1 bottle a day) for 48 weeks
No intake
75 | years-old | <= |
Not applicable |
Male and Female
(1) Male and female aged 75 years or older
(2) Subjects who have been certified as needing assistance level 1, assistance level 2, nursing care level 1, or nursing care level 2
(3) Subjects with a BMI of less than 25 kg/m^2
(4) Subjects who can obtain written consent to participate in the study from the person himself/herself or a legal representative regarding the purpose and content of the study. When obtaining consent from a legal representative, the purpose and content of the study must be explained to the subject so that he/she can understand it, and an effort must be made to obtain consent from the subject himself/herself (informed assent)
(1) Subjects suffering from a disease that may be life-threatening during the study period
(2) Subjects who have difficulty orally ingesting the study food
(3) Subjects who cannot ingest the study food due to dietary restrictions for the disease they are being treated for
(4) Subjects who may develop allergies related to the study (Subjects with allergies to milk or soybeans)
(5) Subjects who may experience abdominal symptoms when ingesting the study food or yogurt
(6) Subjects who regularly consume foods containing the relevant ingredients and cannot stop during the study period
(7) Subjects who have participated or plan to participate in other studies within one month from the date of consent acquisition or during the study
(8) Subjects who are judged to be unsuitable as subjects based on their responses to the lifestyle questionnaire
(9) Subjects who are judged to be unsuitable as subjects based on clinical test values and measurements
(10) Subjects who are judged to be unsuitable as subjects by the responsible physician for other reason
1st name | Eiichiro |
Middle name | |
Last name | Naito |
Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd.
Food Research Laboratory I, Food Research Department, Yakult Central Institute
5-11 Izumi, Kunitachi-shi, Tokyo
1st name | Mariko |
Middle name | |
Last name | Kondo |
EP Mediate Co., Ltd.
Development department, Trial planning section
Kagurazaka AK Bldg., 1-8 Tsukudocho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
EP Mediate Co., Ltd.
Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd.
Profit organization
Medical Station Clinic Research Ethics Committee
3-12-8, Takaban, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
社会福祉法人新栄会 滝野川病院(東京都)
2025 | Year | 02 | Month | 17 | Day |
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