Unique ID issued by UMIN | UMIN000056923 |
Receipt number | R000065052 |
Scientific Title | Research project on confirmation of the improvement of resilience, psychological safety and medical safety using electronic information system |
Date of disclosure of the study information | 2025/02/15 |
Last modified on | 2025/02/03 20:48:47 |
Research project on confirmation of the improvement of resilience, psychological safety and medical safety using electronic information system
Research on improving resilience and psychological safety using electronic information system
Research project on confirmation of the improvement of resilience, psychological safety and medical safety using electronic information system
Research on improving resilience and psychological safety using electronic information system
Japan |
Prevention of mental illness
Not applicable | Adult |
At this time, we have been able to confirm data that one individual factor (resilience) and one organizational factor (psychological safety) improve individually in hospitals that have actually implemented the electronic information system used in this study.
However, we have not been able to identify the factors associated with improvements in resilience and psychological safety. In addition, it is difficult to conduct assessments to identify factors related to resilience and psychological safety in hospitals that currently have electronic information systems, because they are not implementing electronic information systems for research purposes.
This project aims to demonstrate the following
The project aims to
demonstrate the following:
- Identification of factors related to resilience and psychological safety
- Clarification of the impact of related factors on the amount of improvement in resilience and psychological safety
- Improvement in resilience and psychological safety will lead to positive outcomes for healthcare professionals, such as prevention of depression, improvement in wellbeing, and improvement in indicators of unwellness. Positive outcomes for healthcare professionals, such as preventing depression, improving wellbeing, and improving indices of aunwellness, as a result of improved resilience and psychological safety.
Psychological safety must improve by at least 10% before and after the 6-week intervention.
Resilience to improve by at least 3% before and after the 4-week intervention.
The improvement in psychological safety and resilience is smaller when overtime hours are high.
The improvement in psychological safety and resilience is smaller when workload is high.
The improvement in psychological safety and resilience is smaller when stress is high.
Depression improves by 10% or more.
Improvement of the unwellness index by 10% or more.
Intention to leave a job decreases by at least 10%.
An improvement in the distribution of incident reports.
An improved sense of mutual support among health care providers.
Single arm
Open -no one is blinded
Other |
The demonstration period will be 20 weeks.
Assessment will be conducted at the beginning. Resilience intervention will be conducted for the first 4 weeks. At the beginning of the intervention, the intervention group will receive an explanation of resilience and the electronic information system, and will enter their goals for improving resilience into the electronic information system. For the next four weeks, participants use the electronic information system and receive feedback on their input and input into the system. Participants will use the system at least once a week for a maximum of two minutes per session, and will be assessed after four weeks.
In consideration of the burden on the project participants, there will be a 4-week period between the resilience intervention and the psychological safety intervention.
Assessment will be conducted 4 weeks after the resilience intervention is completed.
Thereafter, the psychological safety intervention will be conducted for 6 weeks. The intervention group will be briefed on psychological safety and the electronic information system at the start and will enter their goals for improving psychological safety into the electronic information system. For the next six weeks, participants use the electronic information system and receive feedback on their input and input into the system. Participants use the electronic information system at least once a week for a maximum of two minutes per session.
An assessment will be conducted 6 weeks after the psychological safety intervention is completed; the reason for conducting the assessment at 6 weeks is to identify changes over time since the end of the intervention, and the measurement will be taken after a period of time equivalent to the duration of the psychological safety intervention.
In addition, interviews with department heads will be conducted via web meetings at Weeks 0 and 20.
20 | years-old | <= |
99 | years-old | >= |
Male and Female
A healthcare professional working at a medical institution.
Must own a smartphone and be able to install and use the specified application during the study.
Persons who do not work for a medical institution or are not a health care provider.
1st name | Akira |
Middle name | |
Last name | Shimoda |
World Life Mapping Inc.
Tsukuba Industrial Promotion Center, 2-5-1 Azuma, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
1st name | Koki |
Middle name | |
Last name | Fukuda |
World Life Mapping Inc.
Tsukuba Industrial Promotion Center, 2-5-1 Azuma, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
World Life Mapping Inc.
Akira Shimoda
World Life Mapping Inc.
Profit organization
Kanagawa Prefectural Government
Community Health Plan, a non-profit organization
Tongari Building 3F, 2-7-23 Nanokaicho, Yamagata City
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