Unique ID issued by UMIN | UMIN000056967 |
Receipt number | R000064996 |
Scientific Title | Analysis of the effect of lactic acid bacteria intake on blood anti-aging indices |
Date of disclosure of the study information | 2025/02/09 |
Last modified on | 2025/03/04 14:26:55 |
Analysis of the effect of lactic acid bacteria intake on blood anti-aging indices
Analysis of the effect of lactic acid bacteria intake on blood anti-aging indices
Analysis of the effect of lactic acid bacteria intake on blood anti-aging indices
Analysis of the effect of lactic acid bacteria intake on blood anti-aging indices
Japan |
Not applicable | Adult |
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of Lactobacilli-containing foods on blood anti-aging indices after four weeks of consumption.
Anti-aging index
(Week 0, Week 4)
*Secondary indexes
1) Survey of subjective symptoms of aging (1)
1) Physical examination (1)
2) Clinical examination (1)
3) Doctor's questions (1)
4) Existence and its contents of side effects (2)
5) Adverse events (2)
(1): Week 0, Week 4
(2): Week 4
Single arm
Open -no one is blinded
Food |
Oral intake of the test food (1 packet per day; 4 weeks).
60 | years-old | <= |
70 | years-old | > |
Male and Female
1) Men and women between 60 and 69 years of age at the time of obtaining consent to participate in the study.
2) Individuals who have been fully informed of the purpose and content of the study, have the capacity to consent, understand the study well, voluntarily volunteer to participate, and are able to consent to participation in the study in writing.
3) Individuals who can come to the designated venue for this study and be inspected.
4) Individuals judged appropriate for the study by the principal.
1)using medical products.
2)with a history or current history of mental illness, sleep disorders, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia or serious illness.
3) who have a history or current history of serious disorders of the liver, kidney, heart, lungs, blood, etc.
4) who are a patient or have a history of or endocrine disease.
5) who are taking medications for more than 2 days per week that may affect the study and cannot be restricted during the study period (intestinal medications, antibiotics)
6) with a BMI of 30 kg/m2 or greater.
7) with systolic blood pressure less than 90 mmHg.
8) who experienced unpleasant feeling during blood drawing.
9) with drug and food allergies.
10) who regularly use Food for Specified Health Use, Food with Functional Claims, etc.
11) who excessively take alcohol (expressed in an amount of alcohol: over 60g/day).
12) who have a smoking habit, and individuals who have had a smoking habit within the past year.
13) Shift workers or night workers.
14) who may change their lifestyle during the study period (e.g., long trips).
15) who have donated component blood or 200 mL of whole blood in the month prior to the start of the study.
16) who donated 400 mL of whole blood 4 months prior to the start of the study.
17) whose blood volume collected in the 12 months prior to the start of the study plus the total planned blood volume for the study exceeds 800 mL.
18) who are currently participating in another human clinical trial or who have not yet completed 3 months of participation in another human clinical trial.
19) judged inappropriate for the study by the principal.
1st name | Masashi |
Middle name | |
Last name | Morifuji |
Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd.
Wellness Science Labs 3G
1-29-1 Nanakuni, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0919, JAPAN
1st name | Ryoma |
Middle name | |
Last name | Shimizu |
TES Holdings Co., Ltd.
Administrative Department of Clinical Trials
6F Kairaku Building 2-7-5 Higashiueno Taito-ku Tokyo 110-0015, JAPAN
TES Holdings Co., Ltd.
Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd.
Profit organization
Ueno-Asagao Clinic Ethical Review Committee
6F Kairaku Building 2-7-5 Higashiueno Taito-ku Tokyo 110-0015, JAPAN
2025 | Year | 02 | Month | 09 | Day |
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