Unique ID issued by UMIN | UMIN000056944 |
Receipt number | R000064808 |
Scientific Title | Impact of psychological interventions for stress reduction in medical residents: A systematic review and network meta-analysis |
Date of disclosure of the study information | 2025/02/07 |
Last modified on | 2025/02/05 14:31:01 |
Impact of psychological interventions for stress reduction in medical residents: A systematic review and network meta-analysis
Impact of psychological interventions for stress reduction in medical residents: A systematic review and network meta-analysis
Impact of psychological interventions for stress reduction in medical residents: A systematic review and network meta-analysis
Impact of psychological interventions for stress reduction in medical residents: A systematic review and network meta-analysis
Japan |
Mental health, primary prevention
Adult |
To understand the current state of mental health measures for medical trainees and evaluate the usefulness of psychological preventive interventions.
Not applicable
The Maslach Burnout Inventory scores for emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (DP), and personal accomplishment (PA)
Others,meta-analysis etc
24 | years-old | <= |
60 | years-old | >= |
Male and Female
General mental health interventions using psychological interventions for residents (Japanese medical trainees)
Involves interventions in individual lifestyle habits (self-care) and line interventions (organizational interventions such as staff improving labor and work environments)
Doctors and medical professionals other than trainees
Secondary and tertiary prevention, medical intervention
1st name | Noriko |
Middle name | |
Last name | Kojimahara |
Shizuoka Graduate University of Public Health
Division of Epidemiology
4-27-2,Kita-ando, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-shi
1st name | Noriko |
Middle name | |
Last name | Kojimahara |
Shizuoka Graduate University of Public Health
Division of Epidemiology
4-27-2,Kita-ando, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-shi
Shizuoka Graduate University of Public Health
Shizuoka Graduate University of Public Health
Local Government
Shizuoka Graduate University of Public Health
4-27-2,Kita-ando, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-shi
2025 | Year | 02 | Month | 07 | Day |
2025 | Year | 02 | Month | 05 | Day |
2025 | Year | 02 | Month | 07 | Day |
2025 | Year | 12 | Month | 31 | Day |
(1) Study design: RCT
(2) Databases: PubMed, Cochrane CENTRAL, PsycINFO/ARTICLES, IChuoshi web
(3) Search guidelines: Search queries will be created by referring to multiple previous studies and in collaboration with medical literature search experts.
(4) The Cochrane assessment tool (RoB2) will be used to assess the risk of bias for each study, and the overall evidence will be assessed based on the GRADE approach.
2025 | Year | 02 | Month | 05 | Day |
2025 | Year | 02 | Month | 05 | Day |