Unique ID issued by UMIN | UMIN000056775 |
Receipt number | R000064572 |
Scientific Title | Prevention of anterior cruciate ligament injuries through virtual reality-based motor learning transfer. |
Date of disclosure of the study information | 2025/02/08 |
Last modified on | 2025/01/21 23:07:33 |
Prevention of anterior cruciate ligament injuries through virtual reality-based motor learning transfer.
Prevention of anterior cruciate ligament injuries through virtual reality-based motor learning transfer.
Prevention of anterior cruciate ligament injuries through virtual reality-based motor learning transfer.
Prevention of anterior cruciate ligament injuries through virtual reality-based motor learning transfer.
Japan |
anterior cruciate ligament injury
Rehabilitation medicine |
To test whether VR-based prevention training for anterior cruciate ligament injuries is capable of motor learning transfer.
Correlation between the lateral flexion angle of the trunk and the abduction moment of the knee joint.
Open -no one is blinded
No treatment
Behavior,custom |
Perform the 90 degree cutting task in a realistic environment. First, the participants are asked to run forward at 80% speed (to prevent the task from causing ACL injury) and then perform the task of cutting 90 degree to the right if the number is even or to the left if the number is odd, in relation to the number shown in the middle of the task. The numbers shown at this time are random. Perform this task 20 times.
The 90 degree cutting task is performed in a virtual reality environment. At the start of the training, the opponent starts to move forward to receive the ball and the participant follows him so that they do not move apart. The opponent then changes direction suddenly and randomly to the left and right, and the examinee performs cutting accordingly. The task is completed after the end of the cutting. This task is performed 20 times.
18 | years-old | <= |
23 | years-old | >= |
University students who are members of the American football team at Kyoto University, aged 18 or over, and who have not suffered any serious injuries such as broken bones or ligament injuries in the past six months.
Those that do not meet the above selection criteria.
1st name | Tomoki |
Middle name | |
Last name | Aoyama |
Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Human Health Sciences
Course in Advanced Rehabilitation Science, Department of Advanced Physical Therapy
Yoshida Konoe-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
1st name | Wataru |
Middle name | |
Last name | Takahara |
Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Human Health Sciences
Course in Advanced Rehabilitation Science, Department of Advanced Physical Therapy
201, Shogoin Taniguchi Mansion Annex, 4-33 Rengezo-cho, Shogoin, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Human Health Sciences
Self funding
Self funding
Kyoto University Graduate School and Faculty of Medicine, Ethics Committee
Yoshida Konoe-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
2025 | Year | 02 | Month | 08 | Day |
2024 | Year | 12 | Month | 17 | Day |
2025 | Year | 02 | Month | 01 | Day |
2026 | Year | 02 | Month | 28 | Day |
2025 | Year | 01 | Month | 21 | Day |
2025 | Year | 01 | Month | 21 | Day |