Unique ID issued by UMIN | UMIN000030117 |
Receipt number | R000033766 |
Scientific Title | Mucosal regeneration therapy by autologous intestinal stem cell transplantation to inflammatory bowel disease patients. |
Date of disclosure of the study information | 2018/04/01 |
Last modified on | 2017/11/25 16:37:16 |
Mucosal regeneration therapy by autologous intestinal stem cell transplantation to inflammatory bowel disease patients.
Intestinal stem cell transplantation to inflammatory bowel disease patients.
Mucosal regeneration therapy by autologous intestinal stem cell transplantation to inflammatory bowel disease patients.
Intestinal stem cell transplantation to inflammatory bowel disease patients.
Japan |
Ulcerative colitis
Gastroenterology |
The present study is planned to evaluate the feasibility and safety of autologous intestinal stem cell transplantation for the treatment of refractory ulcers in ulcerative colitis patients.
Safety: Evaluation of adverse events observed from study entry to 52 weeks after autologous intestinal stem cell transplantation.
Single arm
Open -no one is blinded
Other |
Autologous intestinal stem cell transplantation (Single-dose)
20 | years-old | <= |
Not applicable |
Male and Female
(1) Acquirement of patient-signed formal approvement at study entry.
(2) Age over 20 at study entry.
(3) Satisfy the diagnostic criteria for ulcerative colitis.
(4) Limited clinical efficacy, reduction of efficacy or intolerance to the following drugs: Corticosteroids, Immunomodulators (tacrolimus, azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine), and anti-TNF antibodies (infliximab, adalimumab, golimumab).
(5) Sustained colonic ulcer (over 5mm diameter) confirmed by colonoscopy performed within 4-weeks from study entry.
(1) Past history of colectomy.
(2) Planning or awaiting colectomy.
(3) Satisfies contraindication criteria for colonoscopy.
(4) Failure to confirm the presence of un-inflamed region by colonoscopy performed within 4-weeks from study entry.
(5) Presence of gastrointestinal dysplasia.
(6) Complication of colitis other than ulcerative colitis.
(7) Presence of active infection.
(8) Poor general condition.
(9) Past history or suspected presence of malignancy within 5 years from study entry.
(10) Having difficulty in making self-decision due to diseases such as dementia.
(11) Pregnant or lactating women, including suspected pregnancy or those anticipating pregnancy.
(12) Allergy against Neoveil or Beriplast.
(13) Allergy against aprotinin, thrombin, fibrinogen, or polyglycolic acid.
(14) Allergy against gentamycin or streptomycin.
(15) Under treatment with antithrombotic drugs.
(16) Under treatment either with hemocoagulase, epsilon aminocaproic acid, tranexamic acid, or aprotinin.
(17) Recommended to be excluded by the study director or other study members.
1st name | |
Middle name | |
Last name | Mamoru Watanabe |
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
1-5-45 Yushima, Bunkyou-ku, Tokyo, 113-8519
1st name | |
Middle name | |
Last name | Ryuichi Okamoto |
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
1-5-45 Yushima, Bunkyou-ku, Tokyo, 113-8519
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development
Japanese Governmental office
2018 | Year | 04 | Month | 01 | Day |
2018 | Year | 04 | Month | 01 | Day |
2018 | Year | 07 | Month | 01 | Day |
2017 | Year | 11 | Month | 25 | Day |
2017 | Year | 11 | Month | 25 | Day |