Unique ID issued by UMIN | UMIN000010014 |
Receipt number | R000010386 |
Scientific Title | Randomized Double-blind, Placebo-controlled multi-center trial on molecular hydrogen water in Parkinson Disease |
Date of disclosure of the study information | 2013/02/13 |
Last modified on | 2017/05/02 12:15:43 |
Randomized Double-blind, Placebo-controlled multi-center trial on molecular hydrogen water in Parkinson Disease
Randomized Double-blind, Placebo-controlled trial on hydrogen water in Parkinson Disease
Randomized Double-blind, Placebo-controlled multi-center trial on molecular hydrogen water in Parkinson Disease
Randomized Double-blind, Placebo-controlled trial on hydrogen water in Parkinson Disease
Japan |
Parkinson's disesase
Neurology |
We tested whether H2-water can modify the progression of PD from the baseline to the 72th week visit as the primary end point.
The primary endpoint with efficacy in PD was the change of total score of UPDRS(I~IV) from baseline to the 72th week.
Additional analysis
1.The change of total UPDRS part II, III, each scores, and modified Hoehn and Yahr staging from baseline to 8th, 24th, 48th, and 72th weeks and post 8th weeks. The changes of total score of UPDRS from baseline to 8th, 24th, 48th and post 8th week.
2.The change of total PDQ39, each scores, and subtotal scores.
3.The duration to protocol ended because of addition of levodopa or progression of disease.
Safety analysis
1) Adverse events except dyskinesia.
2) Screening laboratory studies included level of total protein, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, serum urea nitrogen, calcium, chloride, creatinine, glucose, lactate dehydrogenase, potassium, sodium, creatinine kinase, uric acid, choline esterase, LDL-cholestrol, HDL-cholestrol and triglyceride.
Double blind -all involved are blinded
Central registration
Food |
hydrogen water made by "Suisosui5.0"
placebo-water (nitrogen filling water)
20 | years-old | <= |
Not applicable |
Male and Female
1) Subjects had received the diagnosis of PD according to the United Kingdom Brain Bank criteria.
2) No change on medication, levodopa, dopamin agonist, and other limited drugs for eight weeks.
3) Modified Hoehn and Yahr staging (H&Y stage) on on-phase under 4.
4) Without dementia (MMSE >= 25).
5) Without dysphagia for water.
6) Outpatients are better than admitted patietns.
7) The subjects are over 20 years-old.
8) Written informed consent must be obtained.
1. The patient has parkinsonism due to corticobasal syndrome, multiple system atrophy, drug parkinsonism, hydrocephalus, or essential tremor.
2. The presence of other serious disease.
3. The presence of malignant tumor.
4. The presence of adverse event caused by levodopa or dopamine agonist.
5. Pregnant woman
6. Allergy for drugs.
7.The subjects who is inappropriate for the study according to our judgment.
1st name | |
Middle name | |
Last name | Asako Yoritaka |
Juntendo University Koshigaya Hospital
Koshigaya-shi Fukuroyama 560, Saitama, Japan
1st name | |
Middle name | |
Last name | Shimo Y, Hatano T, Ohyama G, Ando M, Yoritaka A. |
Juntendo University School of Medicine
Hongo3-1-3, Bunky-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Juntendo University School of Medicine, Neurology
Self funding
順天堂大学医学部附属順天堂医院(東京都) 脳神経内科 外来
順天堂大学医学部附属静岡病院(静岡県) 脳神経内科 外来
順天堂大学医学部附属浦安病院(千葉県) 脳神経内科 外来
順天堂大学医学部附属練馬病院(東京都) 脳神経内科 外来
順天堂大学医学部附属江東高齢者医療センター(東京都) 脳神経内科 外来
順天堂大学医学部附属越谷病院(埼玉県) 神経内科 外来
岩手医科大学附属病院(岩手県) 神経内科 外来
青森県立中央病院(青森県) 脳神経センター 外来
秋田県立脳血管研究センター(秋田県) 神経内科 外来
名古屋大学(愛知県) 神経内科 外来
洛和会みささぎ病院(京都府) 神経内科 外来
広島大学(広島県) 神経内科 外来
福岡大学(福岡県) 神経内科 外来
東京臨海病院(東京都) 神経内科 外来
北野病院(大阪府) 神経内科外来
あべ神経内科クリニック(岩手県) 神経内科外来
2013 | Year | 02 | Month | 13 | Day |
2013 | Year | 02 | Month | 01 | Day |
2013 | Year | 02 | Month | 28 | Day |
2013 | Year | 02 | Month | 12 | Day |
2017 | Year | 05 | Month | 02 | Day |